About Continue Good
Continue Good (noun): candle company that encourages customers to spread kindness in their community.
Hello! I'm Mollie & I founded Continue Good in 2017 to bring light & love into others lives. My talented husband Calvin came on board in 2018 and brings so much passion and energy into making a bigger difference in the world! Because of incredible customers like you we've been able to grow our team! :) We operate out of Louisburg, Kansas & have 2 sweet children, Calvin Beck IV (Vinnie) & Liliette (Lili) Beck. Read on for more of our journey!

Meet Markie! Markie is a long time friend of mine and joined CG part time to help with any & all tasks. She is so kind to be flexible & primarily designs labels for Custom Candles & edits videos! She has a precious baby girl named Elle and can work remotely. Markie is one of the most peaceful, life-giving, and authentic people I know. I love our friendship and we're so lucky she is giving her time to help bring dreams to life with our Custom Candles! Markie says it'll always be the Classic Candle for her :)

Heather is our newest employee & wow she is such a gift! She hangs out in the Candle Barn working hard on all sorts of candle tasks and packaging orders. She brings order and improvement to processes, is detail oriented & consistent, & really enjoys whenever she gets to be creative. She loves creating the jars for the ‘In Lieu of Flowers candle’ & says it’s her favorite. We love having her around & think she has such a pure & beautiful heart!

Calvin & my roles continually ebb & flow but I wanted to highlight the outstanding work Calvin does for Continue Good. :) He has a visionary mind & can bring brilliant ideas to life. He leads Continue Good devotedly well with a rooted faith & determined nature. His positivity is infectious & helps me to see the bigger picture. He is the CEO of CG & currently is in charge of shipping & logistics. He really digs the KC Candle.
I (Mollie) love to do the label designs, branding, & marketing efforts. It's an extra treat when I get to create artwork for designs. I tend to fill in where needed but absolutely cherish time with my son so am thankful to currently work part time! My very favorite candle is our Merry candle which is unfortunately seasonal but my year round favorite is between Comfort & Welcome Home (I'm very indecisive lol) :)